Tomorrow marks two full weeks in the harness. We had an appointment last Friday morning with our ortho, and she actually showed us the ultrasound pics this time around. We got to see the first round pics and the second round pics - the second round being the pics of one week in the harness. Amazingly enough, you could already see a difference! Monkey's socket is getting deeper, and the angles we are looking for are improving. We go back in in one month to re-evaluate. Ultrasound at the hospital, then we head to the doc's office for evaluation. We *may* have to make a stop by the doc's office in a week or two though just based on how fast Monkey is growing.
When the doc walked into the room last week she declared "WOW! Is that the same baby??" We had to get a fairly decent size adjustment on the harness in only a week - I assume we will have to do it again by the three week point.
Fingers are crossed that we will end full time wear of the harness by the end of the year. After that, we will start to wean her out of it - out for 4 hours a day, then 8, then 12, then only naps. We will do that til we get the phrase every DDH family longs to hear - "You've got perfect hips!"
I'm so proud of her though - she is just doing amazing and her strength inspires me. The girl is tied up in a damn harness and still starts every day with a smile. She then pees and farts, but hey - she does start with a smile!
1 comment:
My daughter also had hip dysplasia, but it wasn't diagnosed until she was 3 1/2 years old. She had the surgery on her right hip the day before her 4th birthday and surgery on the left one six weeks later. She spent 3 months in a spica cast and another 4 weeks in an a-line cast. She is now 10 and all is well.
It's great that you caught it early. Hang in there and take care of your little monkey. It is so totally worth it.
I wish you and your baby the very best.
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